Welcome to Chinese calligraphy!
自2018年起,麻省理工學院全球語言系(MIT Global Languages)開設了中國書法課。令人欣喜的是,許多學生對中國書法藝術表現出了濃厚興趣,積極參與課堂書法寫作實踐,並創作出了他們自己的作品。我們創建這個網站,主要用於記錄學生的學習過程、展示學生的書法作品,同時也給學生們提供一個平台,分享他們的學習心得、以及對漢字和中國書法藝術的多樣理解。希望今後能有更多的學生跟我們一起感受中國書法的魅力,探索博大精深的中國文化。
MIT's Global Languages began offering Chinese calligraphy in 2018 in the form of an introductory IAP class. Since then, it has been gratifying to see how many students have shown a strong interest in Chinese calligraphy and, in the span of a few short weeks, have been able to create their own works of art. This website will be primarily used as a platform to show students' individual learning processes and diverse interpretations of Chinese calligraphy, and to share their art. We hope that more students will be able to join us to explore the fascinating art of Chinese calligraphy.